A glimpse into tomorrow

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Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City “Misk City” is not just a modern urban development; it’s a glimpse into the future. This revolutionary project is a living testament to Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, blending cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and talent development to craft a vibrant, forward-thinking community. With David Henry as CEO, Misk City is poised to redefine what an intelligent city can be.

David Henry brings decades of global experience in real estate and city planning. His career spans significant roles in Australia, Vietnam, and now Saudi Arabia. “I enjoy master planning large projects, and Misk City is my third city development,” he shares. Henry fully aligns with the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s ambitious vision to create an ecosystem that empowers youth and drives economic diversification ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for the Kingdom.

The strategic masterplan of Misk City, developed with the expertise of the Boston Consulting Group and international design firms, focuses on sustainability and innovation. Spanning 320 hectares, the city is designed to be green and forward-looking. “Our initiatives include a fully recyclable sewage treatment system, sustainable district cooling, and extensive use of solar energy,” Henry explains. With eyes set on becoming one of the most environmentally conscious developments in the world, Misk City has taken the first step with its educational arm Misk Schools landing a LEED Gold certification with similar plans in the works to obtain the global sustainability standard for the destination and its various facilities.

David Henry, CEO 

At the heart of Misk City’s vision is the development of human capital. The city is set to become a hub for education and entrepreneurship, featuring multiple schools, technical training colleges, and specialized institutions like the Le Cordon Bleu culinary school. These facilities are complemented by programs from the Misk Foundation that focus on entrepreneurship and upskilling. The 2030 Leaders Program aims to produce 2,000 alumni by 2030, fostering talent across various industries.

One of the most exciting aspects of Misk City is its mixed-use environment. Imagine living in a place where everything you need is within walking distance. “These buildings have retail on the ground floor, offices on the next floors, and apartments above. Everything you need is at your doorstep,” says Henry. This design not only fosters a live-work-play ecosystem but also sets a new standard for urban living in Riyadh.

“We aren’t just building a city; we’re creating a future where innovation, sustainability, and talent converge to transform urban living.”

David Henry, CEO

Currently, several key projects are transforming Misk City into a dynamic hub for residents and businesses. The development of Al Mishraq, the city’s central zone, promises to be a game-changer. Al Mishraq will feature innovative design elements like environmentally conscious shading and cooling technologies. This area will host a variety of activities and services, promoting social interaction and creativity.

Strategic partnerships are pivotal to the success of Misk City. Collaborations with global leaders such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Dalkia EDF Group underscore our commitment to fostering innovation and sustainability. Major international corporations are also establishing their headquarters in Misk City, drawn by its advanced infrastructure and strategic location. These partnerships not only reinforce the vision but also amplify the impact on a global scale.

You’ll find state-of-the-art facilities such as the Misk Art Institute at Mohammed Bin Salman Nonprofit City

Financially, Misk City benefits from strategic funding approaches that ensure its visionary goals are met. Primarily funded by the Crown Prince’s foundation, the project maintains high standards and a clear vision. Third-party investments are selectively included, mainly for residential areas, allowing for greater control over the master plan and architectural styles.

Innovation is at the core of Misk City’s strategy. The Digital Twin Smart City project, for example, uses digital replicas of buildings to streamline operations and improve energy efficiency. The city has already established its first smart city infrastructure with a tier four data center and is trialling an autonomous vehicle strategy. These advancements position Misk City alongside global leaders like Barcelona and Singapore in smart city development.

The global appeal of Misk City extends beyond national borders, attracting international entrepreneurs and investors. The Misk Global Forum hosted by Misk Foundation welcomed 7,000 delegates last year, is a testament to the city’s growing global reach. With its cutting-edge infrastructure and supportive ecosystem, Misk City is set to become a magnet for innovation.

Henry’s global experience uniquely positions him to lead this transformative project. “The opportunities here are immense, and I encourage people to see the progress firsthand,” he notes. The evolving image of Saudi Arabia as a hub for innovation and development is attracting international attention, further bolstering Misk City’s prospects.

Misk City stands as a beacon of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, showcasing the nation’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and youth empowerment.

The future is here, and it’s happening in Misk City.

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