
204 articles
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An electrifying impact

At a time of dramatic changes to global car manufacturing, Spanish carmaker SEAT SA has appointed as head of its finance and IT activities an industry veteran with a depth of experience in transforming companies.
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One man, two pandemics

Dr. Bonaventura Clotet has devoted his life to fighting infectious diseases like HIV/AIDS and Covid-19. When the Covid-19 virus first reached Barcelona in early 2020, Dr. Bonaventura Clotet was more prepared than anyone
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Miracle meals

Miracles are happening in modern food technology. Crops are being grown in the desert using saltwater, meat is being conjured out of thin air, and precious wasabi is being cultivated not just in Japan, but in the U.K.
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The food-tech revolution

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of all areas of the economy and all segments of society. Thanks to the creativity of entrepreneurs such as Ahmad Al Zaini new technologies and new thinking…