204 articles
The perfect recipe
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) guide us through tackling the most pressing global problems, setting 17 goals, each with their own targets, to be reached by 2030.
Barcelona’s hidden supercomputer
Few people are aware that nestled within the walls of Barcelona's beautiul 19th century Torre Girona chapel, is one of Europe's most powerful supercomputers, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center's MareNostrum.
Inspiring Dubai’s next transformation
Design is the articulation of a hope; and technology is the means to achieve. In Dubai, both are present. The city doesn’t just imagine the future; it creates it.
The new digital backbone of Smart Dubai
We are building a collaboratively-designed platform that brings the most advanced technology innovations on the market to support smart city experiences for all Dubai residents, visitors, business owners and city decision makers.
There’s a smart working revolution
The companies that can start to disconnect hierarchy from space will be the ones who free themselves up to take advantage of the new generational workplace.
Could humans become immortal in our lifetimes?
The idea that death is preventable is acquiring traction. Is this human ambition exceeding its grasp, or could we become immortal within our lifetimes?
Working in a VUCA World
Faced with an existential challenge to their traditional ways of doing business, many companies are replicating the innovative VUCA thinking developed by the U.S. military in the face of a world that is Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous.
Formula E reinvents racing
Against the stunning backdrop of the skyscrapers of Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty, New Yorkers this month enjoyed a privileged preview of the motorsport of tomorrow when Formula E came to town.
Pioneers in fuel cell and electric mobility
With air quality in cities deteriorating over recent years, sustainable mobility solutions are coming into focus. We are at the outset of an eco-cars era.
A love match
In response to the ever-changing environments in which we do business, I strongly believe companies have to innovate constantly, not only to survive but to thrive.