Make way for the Internet of Energy
One of the most dramatic implications of the Internet of Energy is the so-called virtualization of the traditional power plant, the replacement of large generating facilities by aggregated small producers.
Leading the energy transition
Recently Enel has unveiled a new brand, Enel X, reflecting its strategy of opening up energy to new uses, new technologies, new partnerships and new services.
Enel: The journey to open power
"We are focused on our customers, which is why we launched a new global business line; it will come into the market under the new brand, Enel X."
Building a diverse workforce
"Newmont now has five women directors, which puts us right at the top of the pack for a Fortune 500 company. We have three women on our executive leadership team out of nine."
Mining Industry 4.0
Mining companies have put the excesses of the commodity boom behind them and are refocusing their investments on innovation.
Transforming mining with technology
Innovation touches everything we do. It has made Anglo American safer, more productive, more cost-competitive and more accepted by our host communities.
Towards zero water
Canadian mining company Goldcorp is now pioneering a new approach that aims to dramatically reduce the use of water in its operations.
On the road to intelligent mobility
Oslo, Madrid, Paris and London are considering partial or even total bans on diesel-powered vehicles in their city centers, as policymakers begin to rethink the role of cars in the urban mobility of tomorrow.
Biomethane fuels the future of the agroindustry
As the leading company in its sector for the seventh consecutive year, according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, CNH Industrial takes its responsibility to the environment and people seriously.
Pole position
China’s Thunder Power plans to start mass production of a range of sporty, high-performance models in its home country by as early as 2019.