The perfect recipe
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) guide us through tackling the most pressing global problems, setting 17 goals, each with their own targets, to be reached by 2030.
A $3 trillion investment opportunity
I am a climate change activist and an environmentalist. The sense of how fast all of our systems are approaching breaking point is what drives me to ensure that denial and fear do not get in the way of action.
The rapid rise of impact investing
Impact investment offers diverse opportunities to investors to generate positive social and environmental impact in investments which also deliver a compelling financial return.
Brazil – Take only photos, leave only footprints
Brazil has an enormous potential market to be developed in terms of tourism. Our economy has gained strength again due to all the changes that are happening.
Tesla’s time may be coming
For Tesla, the Secret Master Plan has always been to get to the mass market Model 3, and from there into the battery business. The goal is the transformation to a low carbon economy – not to build a profitable…
In the driving seat of the Open Power revolution
Q&A with Ryan O’Keeffe, Director of Communications, Enel : "Our vision for Open Power is nothing less than to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges."
Building a tourism superpower
Q&A with Vinicius Lummertz, President of Embratur, the Brazilian Tourism Board: "According to the World Economic Forum, no country has natural resources with more potential for tourism than Brazil."
Reinvention pays off for Brazilian economy
Government reforms in Brazil are making the economy more competitive and productive and helping the country attract a new wave of foreign capital.
Formula E reinvents racing
Against the stunning backdrop of the skyscrapers of Lower Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty, New Yorkers this month enjoyed a privileged preview of the motorsport of tomorrow when Formula E came to town.
Pioneers in fuel cell and electric mobility
With air quality in cities deteriorating over recent years, sustainable mobility solutions are coming into focus. We are at the outset of an eco-cars era.