Q&A: Newmont Mining Corporation
Elaine Dorward-King, Executive Vice President, Sustainability and External Relations: "We are leaders because we strongly believe that transparency is hugely important to the industry."
Mining leaders reap rewards of long-term vision
For those mining companies that continued to invest in innovation, sustainability and community relations despite the apparent end of the commodity supercycle, 2016 was a year of vindication.
Smarter cities, smarter citizens
Cities are complex ecosystems that must be run efficiently to function well—and they are growing fast. According to the United Nations, by 2050 the number of urban residents will reach 6.2 billion, 66% of the projected global population.
Illuminating future cities
A shining example of how a private-sector partner can illuminate future urban development in collaboration with local leaders took place in Sweden's fourth largest city at the start of 2015.
The power shift
From 2001 through 2005, Enel, a multinational energy company that serves 61 million clients in 30 countries, began rolling out the world's first Smart Grid.
Connecting physicians to patients
After working around the world for Royal Philips from 1986 to 2004, before leaving to head up a spin-off company and his own consultancy firm, Frans van Houten returned to become CEO in 2011.
Personalizing prevention is the best cure
In the future, we not only have to find better ways to share the planet among more of us, but also have to deal with the fact that most of us will be on it longer.
Autonomous drive shifts into gear
The number of people sharing the planet continues to climb toward 9.7 billion by 2050, according to projections by the United Nations. Guaranteeing universal access to basic needs is the only means to prevent human conflict and environmental disaster.
Keeping the flame alive
As the body that upholds the values and ideals of the Olympic Movement, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) takes sustainability seriously.
All roads lead to Rio 2016
With a projected cost of around $11 billion, the Rio 2016 Olympics looks like a relative bargain compared to the price tag for the Sochi 2014 Winter Games, which topped $50 billion.