Volvo’s ElectriCity
In the development of sustainable urban transport, partnerships between vehicle manufacturers, energy suppliers, academia and local authorities are playing a fundamental role.
CNH Industrial trailblazes in innovation
While the high performance road vehicles of global brands such as Nissan, Renault and Toyota may be the most visible face of the fuels revolution, it is in the world of agricultural and industrial equipment that change is taking place…
Greener skies
It is set to be a critical year for the world’s commercial aviation sector. By the end of 2016, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a UN agency, will endorse a global standard for CO² that all new aircraft will…
Money makes the world go round
Long-established financial institutions are working hard to support financial inclusion and to increase their funding of socially and environmentally positive projects.
M-Pesa: mobile money in Africa
In many African countries, more people now use a mobile money account than a bank account. Many of them will be customers of Vodafone’s pioneering M-Pesa service.
Supporting sustainable trade
At Davos this year, politicians and policymakers are debating the next stage in the integration of international trade, with giant regional free trade agreements set to transform global flows of goods and services.
A safe bet in Europe
At the same time as it increases its global exports, Italy is also attracting ever higher levels of foreign investment, especially from companies in developing countries which are looking to secure a foothold in more stable economies.
Mining breaks new ground
In the face of an extended slump in prices for metals and minerals, the largest mining companies are maintaining their investments supporting the communities affected by their operations.
A philosophy of inclusion: Philips Lighting
For WEF participants gathering in the glittering conference halls of Davos it may be hard to imagine, but over one billion people around the world still do not have access to electric light.
Exchanging environmental commodities
Alongside the global banks, newer players in the financial sector are delivering innovative financing mechanisms for environmental investments.