The sky’s the limit
Interview with Mark Dixon, CEO and Founder, Regus: "As the world moves from analog to digital, it is changing the way companies work and where people work".
The workplace of the future
Interview with Carlo Ratti, Director of the MIT Senseable City Lab: " You still want to build a beautiful space, but the important thing is really the new interaction within that space that you create with technology."
Is our future secure?
Electricity companies around the world are facing an alarming spike in cyber-attacks, sometimes with dramatic consequences. Nozomi Networks is deploying machine learning to identify any anomalies in a network that could indicate a cyberattack.
Digital’s dark side: Inequality and unemployment
What is possible is that digitization leads to entire segments of the population to have little or nothing to do and that could lead to revolution, war or worse.
Securing the future with artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things are already transforming modern life, from voice-activated personal assistants, to self-parking cars, to self-configuring conference rooms, to systems that help doctors diagnose disease.
Tomorrow’s World
For decades, the worlds largest and most successful corporations jealously guarded the secrets of their research and development departments, fine-tuning their innovations far from outside eyes until launching them into the marketplace.
Digital innovation reshapes healthcare technology
Connected health devices synchronize information with apps in real time, empowering consumers to take care of their own health and manage any existing conditions.
Smart City boosts happiness
To make sure that smart city investments reflect the interests and aspirations of residents, the Smart Dubai Office has developed a unique focus on happiness.
Changing the relationship between humans and technology
Technology will be more and more human-like, hence making it easier for people to use. Therefore, people will embrace it immediately.
Aspiring to be the happiest city in the world
Q&A with Dr. Aisha Bin Bishir, Director General, Smart Dubai: "Internet of things (IoT), big data and other technologies must make the lives of our people simple, impactful, seamless, safe and happy."