Massive disruption
We’re generally moving from scarcity to abundance, and every business in the world is based on scarcity. If you don’t have scarcity, you don’t have a business.
Hands-free: what it’s like to “drive” an autonomous drive car
Once you’ve experienced a car that drives itself, you will feel like you have stepped into the future.
Disruptive triangle of technologies could improve quality of life for billions
We are in an era of tremendous, rapid technological advancement, one that is disrupting old business models and forcing industries to change.
Q&A: Cisco
Munish Khetrapal, Managing Director, Smart Cities and IoT: "The basic thing in Smart Cities is that they need to be connected: if they are not connected, they are not going to be 'smart'.”
Technology revolution changes face of healthcare
Earlier and more effective diagnosis and treatment, a closer relationship between care providers and patients, and payments based on value rather than volume are all beginning to transform the world of healthcare.
Empowering cities, empowering people
Today, everything aspires to be smart: from the ubiquitous—the smartphone in your hand—to sometimes the ridiculous (Google Glass, Fitbit for dogs, Lily the selfie drone). But, if we want our future to be smarter, we need to start thinking beyond…
The digital retail revolution
Since the advent of online banking and digital retailers such as Amazon and eBay, you can now get almost anything you can think of delivered to wherever you are with just a click.
Thinking big about adding value to data
Big data presents an opportunity that has to be managed to not be missed. It's massive and rapidly-expanding, in hundreds of formats and virtually worthless without analysis and visualization.
Connecting physicians to patients
After working around the world for Royal Philips from 1986 to 2004, before leaving to head up a spin-off company and his own consultancy firm, Frans van Houten returned to become CEO in 2011.
Personalizing prevention is the best cure
In the future, we not only have to find better ways to share the planet among more of us, but also have to deal with the fact that most of us will be on it longer.