4 articles
Education disrupted
Over the course of the last millennium, Universities once mainly religious establishments have evolved into the secular powerhouses of the global economy, drivers of research, innovation and social development.
A new era for education
It may only be a matter of time before some of the age-old hallmarks of a university education become obsolete, with early morning lectures and packed classrooms going the same way as blackboards, chalk and lessons in Latin.
Creating the conditions for serendipity
There can be few companies anywhere in the world today that are not investing intensively in digital transformation and in trying to find new ways to unlock value from the data they hold.
What are the professions of the future?
Half of all current jobs will no longer exist in 25 years, while new professions are gaining ground. Data is the new oil and therefore every company is looking for data scientists, architects and engineers. Attracting talent is a major challenge for…